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Understanding the Body’s Control Systems

In bioenergetics, we explore human health at its most fundamental levels. At its core, we look at how the body produces energy and how it uses that energy. Part of its use involves the important mind-body connection, which we explore elsewhere. But here, we’ll take a brief look at how energy is used to build and maintain a body through its control systems.

Conventional Control Systems

In a conventional sense, we could speak about three primary control systems in the body:

  1. The nervous system might be thought of as the body’s primary control system, as it receives information from the environment and translates this into thoughts and actions. It regulates these actions by sending nerve impulses through the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (all other nerves).

    This process involves both electrical and chemical elements. An electrical signal is carried along a single nerve before chemical neurotransmitters spill from one neuron to the next, triggering the next to carry the electrical signal. We should also point out that the chemical endocannabinoid system plays a regulatory effect on this process.

  2. The endocrine system involves chemical messengers called hormones, released by various glands into the bloodstream to direct activities involving such things as metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, mood, and more.

  3. The immune system oversees our response to pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. It is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that works to identify and correctly respond to foreign substances.

Now this isn’t comprehensive. It depends on how one wants to look at the body. For instance, the DNA – present in all of these systems and more – determines the proteins that are built and do the work inside our bodies.

Of all these, the most obviously “bioenergetic” in nature is the nervous system because of its electrical component. In bioenergetics, we interact directly with the nervous system via the skin by using microcurrent, SCENAR, and other advanced technologies.

But core to the bioenergetics message is that even chemical activity has its roots in energy, so all of these are driven by a deeper and more profound control system, which we can refer to as the energy control system.

The Energy Control System

Here we can get into complex ideas involving “standing waves” and “space resonance.” But in practical terms, it’s not difficult for a modern person to understand. We live in a world where information is sent invisibly, wirelessly, via frequency. This is the basis of communication via radio, cell phones, and WiFi for example.

In a similar way, while the body does have control systems based in electricity and chemistry, it also has a wireless communication system based on resonant frequencies.

In quantum field theory, fundamental types of energy like electrons, protons, and neutrons all have their own fields, through which every “particle” is in resonant communication. They are all part of single, oscillating fields. As the fields of each energy type interact, we not only get their combinations as atoms, but also their underlying possibility of wireless communication through these fields.

Since everything built from atoms – including DNA, proteins, and cells – shares the same underlying energy structures, there may always be some level of communication happening in this way. But some structures share a stronger resonance than others; and when the resonance is strong enough, in bioenergetics, we say there is a “match.”

A match is the point at which information can be transferred between structures: wireless communication.

Thus, the many parts of the body we can see and measure in traditional ways, and that communicate through nerves and hormones and the immune system … they may also have a hidden conversation going on.

This is true right down to the neurons, hormones, immune cells, and DNA of the other control systems, and it helps to explain the speed of chemical reactions.

Researcher and author Lynne McTaggart, for instance, describes the usual chemical view as having a couple of tennis balls thrown in a pool and, for chemistry to take place between them, they have to randomly bump into each other. But if everything radiates a field and speaks wirelessly through fields, then chemicals are aware of their environment in a broader way. They can tune into where other chemicals are when a specific action is needed, and they can come together for this to take place.


It’s no secret that energy is the basis of everything. We’re all made of atoms. So by definition, we need energy to exist and to operate. But energy alone is nothing. It must be organized. This is the importance of our control systems. They turn energy into bodies, and in this way, allow us to interact with the world and explore our dreams.


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