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Earth’s Big Fields

The core concept of bioenergetics is that our bodies are founded on an underlying control system, a structured body-field that directs energy and communication.

But in fact, everything is made of energy and has its own energy field. Our individual body-field interacts with all the other fields it encounters. These other fields may increase or decrease the coherence of our own field, and affect our health accordingly.

Interactions with the frequencies of other people, animals, light and sound frequencies, and more can all have an impact on us. Fields generated by the earth also impact us in this way, which occur on such a large scale that it’s critical we align properly with them for optimal health.

What are The Earth’s Big Fields?

The earth’s “big fields” primarily refer to three fields, explained in detail below. We can also extend this concept to other planetary influences – that is, the sun, moon, and other planets generate fields that interact with Earth, and in this sense can impact its big fields. So while this article focuses on our relationship with Earth, it’s interesting to remember this extended story.

Bioenergetic theory posits that our alignment with the three big fields of Earth acts as a sort of GPS device, helping us to literally (subconsciously) understand our position in the world. Because of this, if we’re not properly aligned, we may feel lost, confused, unfocused, disorganized, ungrounded, or “spacy.”

Consequences of Misaligned Big-Fields & Axis

These consequences are serious enough, but there’s another implication that may be even more profound. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake speaks extensively about morphogenetic fields that hold the template or blueprint for every living species. While we share a great deal of the same DNA as other species, somehow that same DNA knows to express itself differently according to the species. This is purportedly due to a link with the appropriate morphogenetic field.

If these fields are inherent in the earth’s fields, then misalignment with the big fields means misalignment with our own nature, our own energetic template. It means we’re not correctly tapped into the instructions of how our bodies should operate.

Professor Peter Fraser, who developed the first complete theory of the human body-field, prioritized alignment with earth’s big fields in bioenergetic medicine, as it affects all aspects of the body-field. For instance, the three fields relate to us as three planes that intersect in the area of the heart; misalignment then affects the heart’s process of imprinting important information into the blood.

But it goes further, also causing problems with imprinting information within the cells themselves, leading to body-field errors.

Fraser also spoke of the heart’s bioenergetic connection to memory, not only in the sense of things we consciously remember, but of things the body remembers, including how to continually rebuild itself. So whether the body relies in some way on an outer “morphogenetic field,” or the body fully stores its own memory of how to build itself, an alignment with the big fields seems central to maintaining one’s health.

In order to better understand the importance of the three big fields in bioenergetic medicine, we’ve provided an explanation of each big field below. It is important to note that because these fields come together as three intersecting planes, each is known as an “axis.”

  • The Vertical Axis
    This field is intimately related to gravity, shown by NASA research to affect bones, muscle strength, and fluid distribution in the body. Thus, alignment errors here may be seen in relation to bones, joints, and muscles. The vertical axis has a strong influence on the nervous system, and can therefore affect sleep patterns, among other things. If someone is struggling with erratic sleep cycles, they may be misaligned with this field. In bioenergetics, this axis is also associated with geopathic stress, which we’ll discuss further below.
  • The Equatorial Axis
    This field is associated with Earth’s rotation. As summarized in Decoding the Human Body-Field, “it is related to how the body responds to electrons and ionic charges, such as those associated with oxygen and hydrogen, so it is intimately connected to cell function and, thus, to normal physiological functioning.” Our alignment to this axis can affect detoxification processes via free radical and antioxidant formation, and because of this may further be related to the aging process. Misalignment may relate to problems of the large intestine and liver, as well as certain metabolic disorders.
  • The Magnetic Polar Axis
    This field is related to the magnetic fields produced by the earth, affecting biology with magnetic components, including the brain and blood. There is a strong connection to circadian rhythms, giving us another big field connection to sleep cycles. This field may also influence things that are not clearly magnetic in nature, including thermal regulation.

The Role of Geopathic Stress

Geopathic stress has to do with the way natural earth fields may be distorted by things like cave systems, underground waterways, and geological faults, or even human-made structures like tunnels and sewers. These distortions can alter our relationship with the earth’s big fields and thus lead to a wide range of health issues. 

In bioenergetic theory, the liver is highly sensitive to geopathic stress, and we already mentioned the effect on cellular imprinting of information. In addition to seeking big field alignment to combat geopathic stress, one can also support the cell driver field as well as the liver integrator field. That said, this type of support can only go so far in the face of ongoing exposure to geopathic stress, and the best solution is to address the root cause by changing one’s environment when possible.

Clinical Notes on Big Field Alignment

Clinical observations of bioenergetic practitioners working to restore big field alignment for their clients provide an even deeper understanding of the concept.

Big field misalignment may cause distortions in the body’s circulation driver, skin driver, and liver driver. Restoring big field alignment may assist with any of these fields. To further understand energetic drivers, we recommend reviewing this article on the subject. What’s more, a big field misalignment can mask other distortions in the body-field – for instance, the pancreas driver may more stubbornly appear unaffected by diabetes, and energetic terrains may all be masked more often, even when the immune system is underperforming.

Although testing often matches, in bioenergetics, we don’t always expect an exact correlation between bioenergetic assessments and health conditions. The body operates holistically, and we may not wish or need to support the seemingly obvious organ in the case of disease or concern. But bioenergetic testing often does align with health concerns, so we’re simply pointing out that more may remain hidden until big field alignment is resolved.

On this same note, we do not treat any specific condition with specific corrections to the field. Rather, we support the body’s natural function to restore and maintain health. That said, in the case of abnormal growths in the body, we may see a more frequent need to address big field alignment as well as the cell driver field.

Finally, on a more complex but fascinating note: alignment with the big fields may play an important role in correcting the body’s morphic field. This is one of the three major fields of the body-field, relating to the germ layers from which the body initially forms and connecting strong emotional events stored in the subconscious to health problems that arise from them.

Professor Fraser discussed an upper and lower morphic field, each divided into four quads. According to Fraser, realigning with the big fields helps to properly align these quads as well, which can lead to meaningful emotional reactions and releases, and ultimately to related healing that may need to take place.

Fraser further discussed how big field alignment, coupled with correction of the cell driver field, could assist with hypertrophy of various cavities. This means that the cavities themselves would be growing larger than they should, thus altering their natural state of resonance.

Addressing this would theoretically be accomplished by correcting certain integrator fields at the same time, depending on the cavity. Fraser stressed that this was theoretical only, and that it would need further study to make any clinical claims. But for the purpose of documenting his thoughts, the related integrator corrections are shown below.

Again, each of these involves correction of big field alignment and the body’s cell driver at the same time:

Cranial Cavity: EI2 + EI4 + EI10

Pleural Cavity: EI1 + EI3 + EI9

Chest Cavity: EI1 + EI2 + EI9 (esp. for bronchi)

Heart Cavity: Bone driver field (not integrators)

Abdominal Cavity: EI5 + EI7 + EI11

Bladder Cavity: EI2 + EI6 + EI9 (prostate)

Bladder Cavity: EI2 + EI6 + EI12 (uterus)


Understanding the individual human body-field is “one giant leap” for medicine, and it’s an understanding we need to continue refining for an ongoing revolution in the health space. But we also need to understand how this field interacts with all other fields – how it is warped or improved. And as we reflect on the fields around us, we must consider the magnitude of those generated by the earth itself. We are extensions of the planet we live on, and alignment with its fields is paramount to maintaining lasting, holistic health.


Our body functions most efficiently with a slightly negative charge or polarity.  While indoors, we not only miss out on that electron flow from the earth, weare also surrounded by positively charged electromagnetic fields from technology like cell phones, computers, electrical wires, and power lines. Even when venturing outdoors, the use of non-conductive footwear blocks the connection with the earth. The abundance of positively charged electromagnetic fields combined with the lack of connection with earth cause the body to slowly shift into a more positive electrical state, leading to negative health ramifications. Such a lifestyle changes our polarity, our natural charge.


A growing body of research shows that grounding has wide-ranging health benefits. These include balancing our nervous system, improving uptake and flow of oxygen to our cells, and reducing inflammation. It may have anti-aging effects. The Earthing Institute cites dozens of studies on the health effects of grounding, including improvements in energy, mood, sleep, recovery, and wound healing (c). Additionally, grounding has the ability to reduce oxidative stress, which results from loss of electrons. 


A common analogy in bioenergetics is to view our cells like batteries—more accurately like capacitors—storing a negative charge. This negative charge is the potential energy that powers many physiological processes ranging from cell signaling to hormone production. It is analogous to the polarity or charge of a synthetic battery flowing from positive to negative.Grounding the body is like plugging into a slow trickle of electrons from the earth, similar to recharging any other battery.

Within bioenergetics theory, grounding helps to address both the body’s polarity and its relation to earth’s three “big fields”—the magnetic polar, equatorial, and vertical axes. Polarity is essential for maintaining homeostasis. This makes sense because the polarity is the distribution of the electric charge on a body. Without it, we lose some of the energy needed to maintain basic biochemical reactions; grounding is therefore linked to enzyme, hormone, and mineral health, as well as metabolism.


The benefits and importance of grounding are clear. Additional measures include staying well-hydrated and including natural salt and trace minerals in your diet. Through these simple, and nearly cost-free methods, it is possible to maintain the flow of negatively charged particles within your body to restore energy and health.

  1. Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Brown R. The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. J Inflamm Res. 2015 Mar 24;8:83-96. doi: 10.2147/JIR.S69656. PMID: 25848315; PMCID: PMC4378297.




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